High Oil Temperature in Blow Molding Machine Hydraulic Systems

The oil temperature in blow molding machine hydraulic systems typically ranges between 30-50°C and should not exceed 60°C. Elevated hydraulic oil temperatures can lead to reduced viscosity and cohesion, resulting in unstable operation speeds and decreased precision of the blow molding machine.

High Oil Temperature in Blow Molding Machine Hydraulic Systems

What causes the hydraulic oil temperature in blow molding machines to rise?

Several factors contribute to the increase in hydraulic oil temperature:

1. Oil Degradation:
During operation, friction between components and between components and hydraulic oil can cause the oil to degrade, leading to increased oil temperature. Emulsification of the lubricating oil introduces air into the oil, compressing during motion, generating heat, and causing localized overheating in the hydraulic system.

2. Cooling System Failure:
Blow molding machine hydraulic systems rely on circulating cooling water for heat dissipation. Obstructions in circulation or insufficient water pressure can impair cooling efficiency, resulting in elevated oil temperatures. Additionally, due to improper maintenance such as dust accumulation, inadequate heat dissipation surfaces in the hydraulic oil tank can further reduce cooling efficiency. Some cooling systems rely on forced cooling through fans, which if damaged, can also decrease cooling effectiveness and lead to increased oil temperatures.

3. Leakage in Pipelines:
When the surface area for heat dissipation in the hydraulic oil tank is insufficient, pressure-holding circuits may be employed to reduce the operating time of the oil pump and maintain normal oil temperature. Significant pipeline leaks shorten the pressure-holding time, increase the operating frequency of the oil pump, and consequently raise the oil temperature in the hydraulic system.

4. Design Flaws in Hydraulic System:
Poorly designed hydraulic systems, especially those with extended usage, can contribute to elevated oil temperatures in blow molding machines.

High oil temperatures in blow molding machine hydraulic systems can lead to equipment malfunctions, affecting normal production operations.

These are the common reasons behind excessive oil temperatures in blow molding machine hydraulic systems.