Work-related Injury Safety Training Activity-Yankang

work-related injury safety training activity

Qingdao Yankang Group carried out a work-related injury safety training activity in the Yankang Plastic Machinery Factory on May 22, 2021.

In order to implement the safety production policy of “safety first, prevention first”, we effectively enhance employees’ work injury prevention, safety awareness, and protection skills, and then reduce the occurrence of work accidents, reduce hazards, and ensure safety of injury safety training activity
In the training activities, the training teachers systematically introduced safety-related knowledge such as product safety, occupational safety, rescue, and escape, etc. to everyone through simple explanations and on-site demonstrations of various instruments and equipment, and reminded employees of work-related injuries during life and production. The importance of prevention and protection.

work-related injury safety training activity

This safety training has improved employees’ awareness of work injury safety prevention, effectively reduced potential safety hazards, and effectively achieved the significance of safety training.

So far, this work-related injury safety training activity has ended successfully.

Finally, I hope every hardworking employee can “come to work happily and go home in peace” every day.

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